Photo: Defence Connect
The Australian Defence Force has begun upgrading to new and more sustainable LED lighting across its defence bases in a new contract with Australian essential service provider, Ventia.
Ventia’s Energy Solutions team is providing more than 87,000 new LED light fittings for Defence Australia across the 700-owned and leased defence properties.
Under the program, aged and inefficient lighting will be replaced with LED at Defence bases to reduce emissions and address energy transition. The installation phase will roll out in 37 bases in Australia and have a CO2 reduction of 24,000 tonnes per year.
Ventia energy solutions general manager Lena Parker said any improvements to energy consumption on expansive estates have the capacity to make a significant difference to energy bills and emissions.
“Something relatively simple like upgrading to more efficient lighting can have a massive impact on energy bills, energy consumption as well as the environment,” she said.
“We’re predicting a return on investment in under five years, with a reduction in carbon emissions of approximately 24,000 tonnes.”
The upgrade is expected to yield a significant reduction in maintenance costs, an improvement in light quality and the ability for “smart control” of lighting.
Ventia is an asset manager for defence bases across Western Australia, the Northern Territory, Victoria, and South Australia, including determining and implementing best practice asset management such as electrical infrastructure.