Always wanted to be involved in a Space Mission? Now’s your chance! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to design a small device to pick up soil and help NASA find Oxygen on the Moon!
Join the ELO2 Big Dipper Challenge for the chance to win a share of $15,000. The links provide more information on ELO2 and Big Dipper Challenge.
The Big Dipper Challenge gives Australians the opportunity to contribute to the design of the “regolith acquisition and deposition mechanism” (ie, a robotic tool to pick up and carry moon dirt). You don’t need any pre-requisite skills, just your imagination! Have a crack and be a part of designing Australia’s first lunar rover! The challenge is hosted on Freelancer – click the link for details and to enter.
ELO2 is an Australian Consortium for the Australian Space Agency Moon to Mars Initiative co-lead by EPE and Lunar Outpost Oceania.
For more information on EPE Trusted to Protect, click here.