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RDA managing director appointed chief executive of new Australian-based QinetiQ business line

Photo: Defence Connect

QinetiQ Group has announced the creation of the Australia Sector, replacing the company’s International Sector, and has named the departing managing director of Rheinmetall Defence Australia as the incoming chief executive.

Gary Stewart has been appointed as Chief Executive of QinetiQ Australia Sector, joining the company from Rheinmetall Defence Australia where he serves as Managing Director. The appointment is effective as 1 May 2023.

During his tenure at RDA, he oversaw strategy and operational delivery for the region. He has also served in the Royal Australian Air Force as an engineer for 11 years and in the defence industry for 20.

According to the company, the newly formed QinetiQ Australia Sector replaces the International Sector, with the service line becoming the company’s “global hub” for threat representation. It will include all businesses situated within the International Sector.

“I am delighted to be joining the leadership team of a global defence and security company that will deliver growth from Australia while playing our role in contributing to national and global security,” Stewart said.

“The new Australia Sector will be crucial in creating sovereign capability and further developing critical skills including becoming QinetiQ’s global leader for threat representation.  I am looking forward to working with the highly skilled people at QinetiQ, dedicated to supporting our customers’ critical missions.”

Steve Wadey, QinetiQ Group chief executive officer welcomed Stewart’s talent for growing defence businesses.

“Gary’s extensive experience in the Australian and global defence sectors, alongside his ability to grow businesses at scale, means that he is the right leader to deliver both short-term operational performance and our long-term strategy to grow our Australia Sector at pace,” he explained.

“Today’s announcement is another significant step in our multi-domestic growth ambition and a strong indication of QinetiQ’s commitment to the defence sector in Australia.”
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