The Hon Richard Marles MP
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Defence
The Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP
Assistant Minister for Defence
Assistant Minister for Veterans’ Affairs
Assistant Minister for the Republic
Services and supports for veterans and their families in the Surf Coast and Geelong region will soon be enhanced, with the Albanese Labor Government today awarding RSL Victoria a $5.445 million grant to establish a new Veterans’ and Families’ Hub with satellite services across the region.
This is great news for more than 6,600 veterans in the region, who will now be able to access the support they need and deserve, closer to home.
The Hub will be centrally located in Geelong and will have major satellite sites at the Torquay and Queenscliff RSLs, servicing both the Bellarine and the Surf Coast. Surf Coast Shire facilities will also play an important role in hosting social and recreational programs for local veterans.
These facilities will be easily accessible to veterans and will offer much-needed outreach services.
The expansion of the Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs network in the Surf Coast, Bellarine and Geelong region is part of the Government’s $46.7 million commitment to deliver ten Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs across the country.
For more information about Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs, visit www.dva.gov.au/vfhubs
Quotes attributed to Member for Corio, Richard Marles:
“The Albanese Government is committed to supporting our veterans and their families.
“This is an important next step for the Geelong veteran community. These services and their delivery will make a vital contribution in Geelong and across the region.”
Quotes attributed to Assistant Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Matt Thistlethwaite:
“The Surf Coast and Geelong Hub will build on RSL Victoria’s experience leading the existing Geelong RSL Hub and the Tim Fischer AC Veterans’ and Families’ Hub in Wodonga.
“This Hub will ensure easier access to more services in a veteran and family friendly environment in the Surf Coast and Geelong region.
“Each veteran community around the country is different so it’s essential we’re developing Hubs that provide targeted support, not taking a cookie-cutter approach. This hub and spoke style Hub will assist veterans easily access the supports they need.”
Quotes attributed to Member for Corangamite, Libby Coker:
“The establishment of the Surf Coast and Geelong Hub is significant for our veterans’ community in the Surf Coast, Bellarine and Geelong.
“It will offer support to over 6,600 current and former ADF personnel and their families right across my electorate.
“From Geelong to Torquay, and throughout the Bellarine, this new Hub will provide widespread outreach to ensure veterans and their families receive the targeted support they deserve.
“After much advocacy, this election commitment is about to become a reality.
“I’d like to thank all of our veterans, their families, and local RSLs for their involvement throughout the consultation process – this is an amazing outcome.