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Defence leads the way in Indigenous spending

Defence has set a new benchmark for Australian Government departments and agencies, exceeding $5 billion worth of contracts with First Nations businesses under the Indigenous Procurement Policy.

The milestone equates to about half of the overall $10 billion Commonwealth spend to date under the policy.

Since the inception of the Indigenous Procurement Policy, Defence has exceeded the targets assigned by the National Indigenous Australian’s Agency, engaging more than 1180 First Nations businesses across more than 25,100 Defence contracts.

Defence Indigenous Champion and Deputy Secretary Security and Estate Celia Perkins said the milestone was a key moment. She noted that since the government established the policy in 2015, Defence had helped to close the gap by partnering with First Nations businesses.

“We know that First Nations businesses are 100 times more likely to employ First Nations people than non-First Nations businesses,” Ms Perkins said.

“By purchasing from First Nations businesses, Defence has been supporting efforts to build a self-sustaining First Nations business sector, where First Nation Australians are able to drive their own economic futures.”

Deputy Secretary Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group Chris Deeble said the milestone demonstrated Defence’s commitment to closing the gap.

“The Indigenous Procurement Policy stimulates entrepreneurship and supports both business and economic development for First Nations businesses, as well as increases diversity within Defence’s supply chains,” Mr Deeble said.

“We are incredibly proud of our role in supporting and delivering these important outcomes for First Nations people and businesses through the Indigenous Procurement Policy and our efforts more broadly.”

As Defence celebrated Indigenous Business Month in October, with the theme ‘Making our Mark’, conversations acknowledging the achievements of First Nations people in business and in leadership continued to be encouraged.

“Defence is proud to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of First Nations Australians,” Mr Deeble said.

First Nations businesses seeking to engage with Defence should complete the Indigenous Procurement Policy questionnaire and email to [email protected].


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